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MIT Kerberos V master on Debian lenny


First developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the early 1980s, Kerberos is a network protocol that offers highly secure, cross-platform, universal authentication for users, hosts and services. In addition, it is the most common single sign-on technology used in Unix-like environments. Kerberos makes use of secret-key cryptography and a centralized Key Distribution Center (KDC) server containing a database of principals; pairs of names and passwords. The system also relies heavily on timestamps, so reasonably accurate time synchronization among all participating hosts is essential.

Once authenticated, users receive a Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) from the KDC that is thereafter used to automatically request other temporary tickets with which to gain access to hosts and services that are part of the same realm: a set of objects under the administrative control of a distinct Kerberos installation. Indeed, hosts and services must also have entries in the KDC, as well as in their local keytab file (a table of encryption keys), before users can access them. Kerberized services − those that support Kerberos natively − are to be preferred in such environments, as only these can silently verify a user's existing Kerberos credentials. Most other services are capable of working with Kerberos through PAM, but if they are accessible only via the network, they will unfortunately prompt the user for their password.

In this example, MIT Kerberos V is installed on a host running Debian 5.0 (lenny). If followed properly, this step-by-step process should produce a new realm with a master KDC and Kerberos administration server. But, before the actual Kerberos installation process can begin, it will first be necessary to install Debian lenny on a new host called kdc1.example.com. A DNS server must also be available on the network with a zone file to which forward and reverse mappings can be added for this host, as well as an alias for it called krb.example.com. After the initial installation of the operating system, make sure these packages are installed on the system as well:

~# apt-get install ssh ntp ntpdate xinetd nmap

Consequently, edit /etc/ntp.conf so that the machine synchronizes to a common NTP server (preferably a local one) and edit /etc/default/ntpdate to use the same host also. Now the installation process for the MIT Kerberos V master KDC can begin:

1. Kerberos server install

On the new host, kdc1.example.com, start by installing these two packages:

~# apt-get install krb5-{admin-server,user}

A total of five packages are installed as a result, including three dependencies:

krb5-admin-server          1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-5lenny2          MIT Kerberos master server (kadmind)
krb5-config                1.22                              Configuration files for Kerberos Version 5
krb5-kdc                   1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-5lenny2          MIT Kerberos key server (KDC)
krb5-user                  1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-5lenny2          Basic programs to authenticate using MIT Kerberos
libkadm55                  1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-5lenny2          MIT Kerberos administration runtime libraries

During package installation, the default realm is automatically set to EXAMPLE.COM. A few questions are asked regarding the krb5-admin-server package that should be answered as follows:

Kerberos servers for your realm: kdc1.example.com
Administrative server for your Kerberos realm: krb.example.com

Following this automated configuration sequence for the package, two problems appear. First, a comment is displayed to inform xinetd users that manual conversion to xinetd format is necessary for a hashed-out kpropd entry that has been added to /etc/inetd.conf. This is for the Kerberos V database propagation daemon, which in this case is necessary to support KDC slave servers. Running at least one slave is recommended for the sake of redundancy, so fix it now by simply creating a file called /etc/xinetd.d/krb_prop with the following contents:

service krb_prop
	disable		= no
	socket_type	= stream
	protocol	= tcp
	user		= root
	wait		= no
	server		= /usr/sbin/kpropd

After saving this file, restart xinetd:

~# /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

It should be said that, although it is not required to run kpropd on the master KDC (only on slaves), it is nice to have this service available in case it becomes necessary to change its role.

The second problem is that kadmind, the administration daemon, failed to start. This is because the realm, EXAMPLE.COM, or rather the database file for it (/var/lib/krb5kdc/principal), has not yet been created.

2. Realm creation

To create the new realm, use the krb5_newrealm command. Be careful, because it should be used only once.

~# krb5_newrealm
This script should be run on the master KDC/admin server to initialize
a Kerberos realm.  It will ask you to type in a master key password.
This password will be used to generate a key that is stored in
/etc/krb5kdc/stash.  You should try to remember this password, but it
is much more important that it be a strong password than that it be
remembered.  However, if you lose the password and /etc/krb5kdc/stash,
you cannot decrypt your Kerberos database.
Loading random data

At this point the script will pause, sometimes for only a few moments, other times for considerably longer. Patience is a virtue.

Initializing database '/var/lib/krb5kdc/principal' for realm 
'EXAMPLE.COM', master key name 'K/M@EXAMPLE.COM'
You will be prompted for the database Master Password.
It is important that you NOT FORGET this password.
Enter KDC database master key: adamanteus
Re-enter KDC database master key to verify: adamanteus

Now that your realm is set up you may wish to create an administrative
principal using the addprinc subcommand of the kadmin.local program.
Then, this principal can be added to /etc/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl so that
you can use the kadmin program on other computers.  Kerberos admin
principals usually belong to a single user and end in /admin.  For
example, if jruser is a Kerberos administrator, then in addition to
the normal jruser principal, a jruser/admin principal should be

Don't forget to set up DNS information so your clients can find your
KDC and admin servers.  Doing so is documented in the administration
~# _

This can sometimes take a while, but eventually the only request that is made is for a password: adamanteus was used here. It is a very important password, so do not forget it!

3. Admin authorization

Edit /etc/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl and enable/add the following two lines:

*/admin *
admin *

This is to allow certain principals, admin and names ending in /admin, to perform any operation.

4. Realm config file

Edit the Kerberos realm configuration file, /etc/krb5.conf. This file is initially created by the Debian installer and contains information about the realms of a number of famous institutions, but none of that is necessary in this case. Instead, replace its contents with this:

        default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM
        forwardable = true
        proxiable = true

		kdc = kdc1.example.com
		admin_server = krb.example.com

	.example.com = EXAMPLE.COM
	example.com = EXAMPLE.COM

	kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5/kdc.log
	admin_server = FILE:/var/log/krb5/kadmin.log
	default = FILE:/var/log/krb5/kadmin.log

This file is divided into a number of sections. The first, [libdefaults], contains default values used by the Kerberos V library. It has many possible settings, but the only ones used here are default_realm, which is used by the client, and forwardable and proxiable, which apply to initial tickets.

The [realms] section contains subsections that start with the name of a Kerberos realm. In turn, each subsection contains information specific to that realm, such as (possibly multiple) kdc and (a single) admin_server entries to locate important hosts.

The [domain_realm] section is for mapping DNS domain names to Kerberos realms. It may seem unnecessary in cases such as this when they are the same (DNS entries are not case sensitive), but of course this is not always so. Each tag is written in lower case and can be a hostname or a domain name, the latter being prefixed with a dot. If no mappings apply, the realm is obtained by converting the domain portion of a hostname to upper case.

The last section, [logging], is optional, but recommended. It determines how a particular host should perform its logging. The settings used here specify that Kerberos log output from the KDC server should be sent to one log file and output from the administrative server to another. A default log file has also been defined, but in practice it may never be used, so in this case its output is also sent to the log file for the administrative server.

After /etc/krb5.conf has been saved, create the Kerberos log directory:

~# mkdir /var/log/krb5

To prevent the log files from growing too large, create a pair of logrotate configuration files. First, edit /etc/logrotate.d/krb5-kdc and give it the following contents:

/var/log/krb5/kdc.log {
	rotate 7
		/etc/init.d/krb5-kdc restart > /dev/null

Then edit /etc/logrotate.d/krb5-kadmin and give it this slightly different configuration:

/var/log/krb5/kadmin.log {
	rotate 7
		/etc/init.d/krb5-admin-server restart > /dev/null

5. Ticket lifetime

Start up the administrative interface for the Kerberos database and use it to allow more flexible lifetime and renewal time frames for the ticket granting ticket (TGT) service. The commands and their responses should look like this:

~# kadmin.local
Authenticating as principal root/admin@EXAMPLE.COM with password.
kadmin.local:  modprinc -maxlife "1 day" -maxrenewlife "90 day" \
Principal "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" modified.
kadmin.local:  q
~# _

The values entered above are instead of 10 hours and 1 day respectively, which are the default values. However, every organization should use values that best suit their own security needs. As for kadmin.local, this is a fail-safe version of the kadmin tool that can only be used on the KDC as root and requires no password to modify the database directly. The kadmin tool, on the other hand, can be used from anywhere on the network.

Now edit /etc/krb5kdc/kdc.conf and modify these two lines to reflect the changes made above:

max_life = 1d 0h 0m 0s
max_renewable_life = 90d 0h 0m 0s

6. Server restart

Restart the Kerberos admin and KDC servers:

~# /etc/init.d/krb5-admin-server restart ; /etc/init.d/krb5-kdc restart

Restarting these servers is only necessary after any associated configuration files have been changed.

7. Admin principal

Start up kadmin.local once more to create the admin principal:

~# kadmin.local
Authenticating as principal root/admin@EXAMPLE.COM with password.
kadmin.local:  addprinc admin
WARNING: no policy specified for admin@EXAMPLE.COM; defaulting to
no policy
Enter password for principal "admin@EXAMPLE.COM": Lampropeltis
Re-enter password for principal "admin@EXAMPLE.COM": Lampropeltis
Principal "admin@EXAMPLE.COM" created.
kadmin.local:  q
~# _

To be sure, the password given here is Lampropeltis.

8. Host princ & keytab

If a line exists in /etc/hosts that maps a loopback address to the FQDN, which in this case is kdc1.example.com, it can prevent kadmin from starting up. If this line exists, remove it.

Use kadmin to create a host principal and a keytab file for the new master KDC by issuing the following commands:

~# kadmin -p admin
Authenticating as principal admin with password.
Password for admin@EXAMPLE.COM: Lampropeltis
kadmin:  addprinc -randkey host/kdc1.example.com
WARNING: no policy specified for host/kdc1.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM; 
defaulting to no policy
Principal "host/kdc1.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM" created.
kadmin:  ktadd host/kdc1.example.com
Entry for principal host/kdc1.example.com with kvno 3, encryption type 
AES-256 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC added to keytab 
Entry for principal host/kdc1.example.com with kvno 3, encryption type 
ArcFour with HMAC/md5 added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/krb5.keytab.
Entry for principal host/kdc1.example.com with kvno 3, encryption type 
Triple DES cbc mode with HMAC/sha1 added to keytab 
Entry for principal host/kdc1.example.com with kvno 3, encryption type 
DES cbc mode with CRC-32 added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/krb5.keytab.
kadmin:  q
~# _

The -randkey switch is used because a machine cannot enter a password. By default, Kerberos saves its keys in /etc/krb5.keytab. To list the keys in this file, use the klist -ke command. Such keytab files should be created for and saved on all of the various client machines that are part of a Kerberos realm.

9. Testing

Using some standard tools, there are a number of ways to test that the new KDC is working. Start by requesting a valid ticket for the new principal, admin:

~# kinit admin
Password for admin@EXAMPLE.COM: Lampropeltis
~# _

Once given the right password (Lampropeltis), a list of the tickets obtained can be viewed:

~# klist -5
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: admin@EXAMPLE.COM

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
11/04/09 00:43:20  11/05/09 00:43:20  krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM
~# _

Only one ticket is listed here, the TGT, and it has a validity period of one day. Tickets can also be deleted:

~# kdestroy
~# klist -5
klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0)
~# _

The administration interface can be used to list all of the principals in the KDC:

~# kadmin -p admin
Authenticating as principal admin with password.
Password for admin@EXAMPLE.COM: Lampropeltis
kadmin:  listprincs
kadmin:  _

Two principals of interest here include K/M, the Kerberos Master Key principal (password adamanteus), and krbtgt, which is for the TGT service. All information about a principal can be retrieved with the getprinc command. For example:

kadmin:  getprinc krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM
Expiration date: [never]
Last password change: [never]
Password expiration date: [none]
Maximum ticket life: 1 day 00:00:00
Maximum renewable life: 90 days 00:00:00
Last modified: Tue Nov 03 23:26:18 CET 2009 (root/admin@EXAMPLE.COM)
Last successful authentication: [never]
Last failed authentication: [never]
Failed password attempts: 0
Number of keys: 5
Key: vno 1, AES-256 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC, no salt
Key: vno 1, ArcFour with HMAC/md5, no salt
Key: vno 1, Triple DES cbc mode with HMAC/sha1, no salt
Key: vno 1, DES cbc mode with CRC-32, no salt
Key: vno 1, DES cbc mode with RSA-MD5, no salt
Policy: [none]
kadmin:  q
~# _

Finally, run the following command to list all of the open TCP and UDP ports on the system:

~# nmap -sU -sT kdc1.example.com

This should be among the results:

749/tcp  open          kerberos-adm
754/tcp  open          krb_prop
88/udp   open|filtered kerberos-sec
464/udp  open          kpasswd5
750/udp  open|filtered kerberos
4444/udp open|filtered krb524

These are:

kerberos-adm Kerberos administration service
krb_prop Kerberos database propagation service
kerberos-sec Kerberos V ticket service
kpasswd5 Kerberos password change service
kerberos Kerberos IV ticket service (legacy)
krb524 Kerberos V to IV ticket conversion service (legacy)

10. See also
11. Further reading
12. Sources
  • Garman J. 2003. Kerberos, The Definitive Guide. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. ISBN-13 978-0-596-00403-3. 253 pp. See pages 48-62.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1985-2007. Kerberos V5 System Administrator's Guide. HTML at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
  • Milicchio F, Gehrke WA. 2007. Distributed Services with OpenAFS. Springer-Verlag. ISBN-13 978-3-540-36633-1. 395 pp. See pages 36-45.
  • Ocelic D. 2006-2010. Debian GNU: Setting up MIT Kerberos 5. HTML at Spinlock Solutions.

Last modified: 2017-08-02, 17:50

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