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Kladmin: magic trio user administration tool


Kladmin is a user account administration tool for distributed file systems based on MIT Kerberos V, OpenLDAP and OpenAFS, otherwise known as the magic trio. This system has many advantages, such as huge scalability, but user administration does not immediately come to mind, since every new account requires that one be created with the same name and ID number in each of the three subsystems. Luckily, all of this runs on Linux, an environment in which it is easy to develop tools to address these kinds of problems.

Written in Perl, kladmin is a front-end for a number of standard utilities. It is not a replacement for them, but it does allows system administrators to save time with typical user account administration. It can be used to create and delete accounts individually, request information about them, as well as accept an input file to quickly create many new accounts from a list of names. In all of these cases the program can be instructed to create or delete accounts from all three subsystems, which is does by default. Or, it can be used to create or delete accounts from just one or two of the subsystems. Another useful feature is its ability to generate various lists of account names and ID numbers so that each one can be checked across all three subsystems.

The design is such that, when creating a normal account, the same number is used for the UID and GID in LDAP as for the ID in AFS. Similarly, if an account name and UID/GID number already exists in LDAP, but not in AFS, and kladmin is used to create an account with the same name in AFS, the same number will be used for AFS account's ID. The same thing happens when an AFS account already exists and a matching LDAP account is created.

To prevent many predictable error conditions, kladmin checks if it has the required access to the different subsystems before running any operations. It does this automatically for Kerberos, AFS and the GNU/Linux OS, but needs a configuration option to be set before LDAP administrative access can be ascertained. The required configuration file contains information such as key LDAP entries, AFS servers and partition names.

This application operates according to a popular convention regarding the AFS directory structure used for the mount points of user volumes. For instance, for a user account, gwashington, in an AFS cell, called example.com, it is assumed that the directory path will be:


By modifying its configuration file, kladmin can also be set to operate without support for OpenAFS and/or OpenLDAP. However, Kerberos is always required, as is Kerberos authentication for OpenLDAP when the latter is used.

Kladmin was developed on a Debian 5.0 (lenny) system. It should work on many others, although in some cases the script itself will have to be modified to reflect the different locations of a few configuration files (included in the Declarations section near the beginning of the script).

1. Synopsys
kladmin [-A | -D] -u <user_name>

kladmin [-A | -D] [-k] [-l] [-a] -u <user_name> [-p <password>]
        [-i <id_number>] [-G <given_name>] [-S <surname>]

kladmin [-k] [-l] [-a] -f <file_name>

kladmin -I [-k] [-l] [-a] -u <user_name>

kladmin -L <code>

kladmin -v

2. Options

Add a user account. Requires the -u option. May be combined with the -k, -l and/or -a options, although the default is to use all three.

Specifies an AFS account.

Delete a user account. Requires the -u option. May be combined with the -k, -l and/or -a options, although the default is to use all three.

-f file_name
Specifies an input file for adding accounts based on a list of names. The output file is called "<file_name>.out" and contains, among other things, the passwords that are automatically generated for each new account. May be combined with the -k, -l and/or -a options, although the default is to use all three. Accounts may only be created in this manner; not deleted.

-G given_name
Specifies the given name of a user for an LDAP account. If omitted, the default is to set the given name to "Given name."

Display information about an account. Requires the -u option. May be combined with the -k, -l and/or -a options, although the default is to use all three.

-i id_number
Forces the use of a particular ID number for a new account, although this ID number must not already be in use. The default is to use the lowest free ID number above the minimum value. -k
Specifies a Kerberos account.

-L code
Depending on the code given, generates different overview lists consisting of 1-5 columns of account names and/or ID numbers. The possible codes are:

  • kan or k − Four columns: 1.) names of all Kerberos accounts, 2.) UID numbers of the matching LDAP posixAccount entries, 3.) GID numbers of the matching LDAP posixGroup entries, 4.) ID numbers of the matching AFS account entries.
  • lan − Five columns: 1.) names of all LDAP posixAccount entries, 2.) UID numbers of the same LDAP posixAccount entries, 3.) GID numbers of the matching LDAP posixGroup entries, 4.) ID numbers of the matching AFS account entries, 5.) names of the matching Kerberos accounts.
  • lgn − Five columns: 1.) names of all LDAP posixGroup entries, 2.) GID numbers of the same LDAP posixGroup entries, 3.) UID numbers of the matching LDAP posixAccount entries, 4.) ID numbers of the matching AFS account entries, 5.) names of the matching Kerberos accounts.
  • aan or an − Five columns: 1.) names of all AFS accounts, 2.) ID numbers of the same AFS accounts, 3.) UID numbers of the matching LDAP posixAccount entries, 4.) GID numbers of the matching LDAP posixGroup entries, 5.) names of the matching Kerberos accounts.
  • lai − Five columns: 1.) UID numbers of all LDAP posixAccount entries, 2.) names of the same LDAP posixAccount entries, 3.) names of the matching LDAP posixGroup entries, 4.) names of the matching AFS account entries, 5.) names of the matching Kerberos accounts.
  • lgi − Five columns: 1.) GID numbers of all LDAP posixGroup entries, 2.) names of the same LDAP posixGroup entries, 3.) names of the matching LDAP posixAccount entries, 4.) names of the matching AFS account entries, 5.) names of the matching Kerberos accounts.
  • aai or ai − Five columns: 1.) ID numbers of all AFS accounts, 2.) names of the same AFS accounts, 3.) names of the matching LDAP posixAccount entries, 4.) names of the matching LDAP posixGroup entries, 5.) names of the matching Kerberos accounts.
  • i − One column: all UID/GID/ID numbers in use in both LDAP and AFS.
  • n − One column: all account names in use across all three subsystems.

Specifies an LDAP account.

-p password
Specifies a password to be used with a Kerberos account. If omitted, the default behavior is to generate a random password.

-S surname
Specifies the surname of a user for an LDAP account. If omitted, the default is to set the surname to "Surname."

-u user_name
Specifies the user (account) name.

3. Input file format

The supported input file format is relatively simple, consisting of three fields: an account name, a given name and a surname. Account names may not contain any spaces, dashes ('-') or forward slashes ('/'). Given names may contain dashes and spaces, but the latter are only accepted if the name is enclosed between double quote marks ('"'). Surnames may also contain dashes and spaces, but never require double quote marks. Each of these three names must be separated from the others with one or more spaces.

4. Examples

Normally, new accounts are created as follows:

~# kladmin -Au bbeamon -p longjump -i 10005 -G Bob -S Beamon

If pressed for time, the same account can also be created with less input, in which case a password will be generated automatically:

~# kladmin -Au bbeamon

But, it is also possible to create an account name only in certain subsystems, e.g. Kerberos and AFS:

~# kladmin -Akau bbeamon

An entire account may be deleted at once:

~# kladmin -Du bbeamon

Or, only one of its components may be deleted, e.g. the LDAP account:

~# kladmin -Dlu bbeamon

New accounts can also be created from a list in an input file:

~# kladmin -f input-file

Partial accounts may also be created from a list in an input file, such as only for Kerberos and AFS:

~# kladmin -kaf input-file

Example of a list of names in an input file, each with a valid format:

bobama Barack Obama
dvvliet Don Van Vliet 
ahroliveira "Antonio Henrique" de Oliveira Marques
pjwitzig Pieter-Jan Witzig
rbourne Robin Bourne-Taylor

A five-column overview, based on a list of all LDAP posixAccount entry names can be generated with:

~# kladmin -L lan

5. Configuration file

A configuration file, /etc/kladmin.conf, must be created. A number of variables must be configured, while others have default values. What follows is a complete list of variables for v0.2 of the configuration file, any which may be altered as needed:

# kladmin v0.2.1 configuration file
# /etc/kladmin.conf

# While kladmin requires MIT Kerberos V to work, support for
# OpenLDAP and/or OpenAFS can be disabled. The default is "enabled"
# for both of them, but this can be changed to "disabled" if one or
# both are not in use.

#OPENLDAP	enabled

#OPENAFS	enabled

# Arguments used for the apg tool. The default is 
# -a0 -m8 -Mncl. Option -n1 is always used.
#APGARGS	-a0 -m8 -Mncl

# Attributes to give Kerberos user accounts The default is
# -clearpolicy +requires_preauth.
#KRBOPT		-clearpolicy +requires_preauth

# Minimum UID/GID number to use for LDAP and AFS accounts. The 
# default is 10000.
#IDMIN		10000

# Maximum UID/GID number to use for LDAP and AFS accounts. The 
# default is 65535.
#IDMAX          65535

# DN, or partial DN, required for LDAP administrative access.
LDPADMIN	cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com

# LDAP organizational unit for user entries.
LDAPUPTH	ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

# LDAP organizational unit for group entries.
LDAPGPTH	ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com

# Structural object class type for LDAP UID entry. The default is 
# person, but other possibilities include organizationalPerson and 
# inetOrgPerson.
#OBJCL		Person

# AFS partition. The default is /vicepa.
#AFSPRT		/vicepa

# AFS server for read-write volumes.
AFSSRV		klas1

# AFS servers for read-only volumes. Supports multiple 
# host-name/partition-name combinations. No default values.
#AFSSRVRO	klas2/vicepa klas3/vicepb klas4/vicepa

# AFS user volume quota in KB. The default is "0" (unlimited
# volume size). FYI: 1048576 KB = 1 GB.

# AFS permissions for users in their own user volumes. The default 
# is all.
#AFSPRM		all

# Column width of the uname/ID list overviews. The default is 15.
#CW		15

The values indicated above in red must be modified, or else kladmin will not work.

6. Dependencies

For kladmin to function properly, a number of Debian packages must also be installed on the same system:

apg                    2.2.3.dfsg.1-2                Automated Password Generator - Standalone version
coreutils              6.10-6                        The GNU core utilities
krb5-admin-server      1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-5lenny2      MIT Kerberos master server (kadmind)
krb5-kdc               1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-5lenny2      MIT Kerberos key server (KDC)
krb5-user              1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-5lenny2      Basic programs to authenticate using MIT Kerberos
ldap-utils             2.4.11-1+lenny1               OpenLDAP utilities
openafs-client         1.4.7.dfsg1-6+lenny2          AFS distributed filesystem client support
openafs-dbserver       1.4.7.dfsg1-6+lenny2          AFS distributed filesystem database server

The krb5-admin-server package is required, because kladmin creates Kerberos accounts using the kadmin.local program. Consequently, kladmin can only be run as root on the host running the Kerberos master KDC.

7. Download

kladmin 0.2.1 − latest version − Download

kladmin 0.2.1 − 14 July 2010 − Download
kladmin 0.2 − 5 July 2010 − Download
kladmin 0.1.2 − 21 June 2010 − Download
kladmin 0.1.1 − 3 April 2010 − Download
kladmin 0.1 − 31 March 2010 − Download

8. See also
9. Further reading
  • Winius J. 2010. kladmin: User administration tool for systems based on MIT Kerberos V, OpenLDAP and OpenAFS. HTML at GitHub.

10. Sources
  • Christiansen T, Torkington N. 2003. Perl Cookbook, Second Edition. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. ISBN 0-596-00313-7. 927 pp.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1985-2007. Kerberos V5 System Administrator's Guide. HTML at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
  • OpenAFS. 2000-2009. Documentation. HTML at OpenAFS.
  • OpenLDAP Project. 2009. OpenLDAP Software 2.4 Administrator's Guide. HTML at OpenLDAP.
  • Schwartz RL, Phoenix T. 2001. Learning Perl, Third Edition. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. ISBN 0-596-00132-0. 316 pp.
  • Wall L, Christiansen T, Orwant J. 2000. Programming Perl, Third Edition. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. ISBN 0-596-00027-8. 1070 pp.

Last modified: 2017-08-02, 17:50

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